Regression Line - Probability and Statistic

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Regression Lines

A regression line, also known as a trendline, is a straight line that best represents the relationship between two variables in a dataset. It is commonly used in statistics and data analysis to understand and visualize the relationship between variables.

Key Features of Regression Lines:

  • Linearity: Regression lines are linear, meaning they have a constant slope.
  • Best Fit: The regression line is drawn to minimize the sum of the squared differences between the observed data points and the corresponding points on the line.
  • Predictive Power: Regression lines can be used to make predictions about the dependent variable based on the value of the independent variable.


Suppose we have a dataset that represents the relationship between the number of hours studied and the exam scores obtained by a group of students. We want to understand how the number of study hours affects exam scores and visualize this relationship using a regression line.

Regression Line Example

In the image above, we have the following elements:

  • Observed value (yiy_i): The actual value of the dependent variable (e.g., exam score) for a given value of the independent variable (e.g., hours studied).
  • Predicted value (ypiy_{p_i}): The value predicted by the regression line for the same given value of the independent variable.
  • Random error (ϵi\epsilon_i): The difference between the observed value and the predicted value. It represents the error in the prediction.
  • Intercept (θ1\theta_1): The value where the regression line intersects the Y-axis. It represents the predicted value of the dependent variable when the independent variable is zero.
  • Slope (θ2\theta_2): The rate at which the dependent variable changes with respect to the independent variable. It represents the steepness of the regression line.

The equation of the regression line is given by:Y=θ1+θ2XY = \theta_1 + \theta_2X

YY is the predicted value of the dependent variable.
θ1\theta_1 is the intercept.
θ2\theta_2 is the slope.
XX is the value of the independent variable.

In our example, XX could represent the number of hours studied, and YY could represent the exam score.