Alzebra of Events - Probability and Statistics

Alzebra of Events

The algebra of events, often discussed in the context of probability theory, is a mathematical framework used to describe and manipulate sets of outcomes (events) in a sample space. It provides the foundational operations and properties to handle events systematically.

1. Basic Set Operations

  • Union (A ∪ B): The event that either A or B or both occur.
    AB={ωΩωA or ωB}A \cup B = \{ \omega \in \Omega \mid \omega \in A \text{ or } \omega \in B \}

    Example: In a survey, let AA be the event that a person likes coffee, and BB be the event that a person likes tea. Then, ABA \cup B is the event that a person likes either coffee or tea or both.

  • Intersection (A ∩ B): The event that both A and B occur.
    AB={ωΩωA and ωB}A \cap B = \{ \omega \in \Omega \mid \omega \in A \text{ and } \omega \in B \}

    Example: Continuing with the survey, ABA \cap B is the event that a person likes both coffee and tea.

  • Complement (Aᶜ): The event that A does not occur.
    Ac={ωΩωA}A^c = \{ \omega \in \Omega \mid \omega \notin A \}

    Example: If AA is the event that a person likes coffee, then AcA^c is the event that a person does not like coffee.

  • Difference (A - B): The event that A occurs and B does not.
    AB={ωΩωA and ωB}A - B = \{ \omega \in \Omega \mid \omega \in A \text{ and } \omega \notin B \}

    Example: If AA is the event that a person likes coffee, and BB is the event that a person likes tea, then ABA - B is the event that a person likes coffee but does not like tea.

2. Properties of Events

  • Commutative Properties:
    AB=BAA \cup B = B \cup A
    AB=BAA \cap B = B \cap A
  • Associative Properties:
    (AB)C=A(BC)(A \cup B) \cup C = A \cup (B \cup C)
    (AB)C=A(BC)(A \cap B) \cap C = A \cap (B \cap C)
  • Distributive Properties:
    A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C)
    A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A \cup (B \cap C) = (A \cup B) \cap (A \cup C)
  • De Morgan's Laws:
    (AB)c=AcBc(A \cup B)^c = A^c \cap B^c
    (AB)c=AcBc(A \cap B)^c = A^c \cup B^c

3. Special Types of Events

  • Mutually Exclusive Events: Events A and B are mutually exclusive if they cannot both occur at the same time.
    AB=A \cap B = \emptyset

    Example: In a job application process, let AA be the event that a candidate is accepted for Position X, and BB be the event that the same candidate is accepted for Position Y. If the company only hires for one position per candidate, AA and BB are mutually exclusive.

  • Exhaustive Events: A set of events is exhaustive if at least one of the events must occur.
    A1A2An=ΩA_1 \cup A_2 \cup \ldots \cup A_n = \Omega

    Example: In a weather forecasting system, let A1A_1 be the event that it will rain, A2A_2 be the event that it will be sunny, and A3A_3 be the event that it will be cloudy. These events are exhaustive because one of these weather conditions must occur.


Consider a sample space Ω\Omega representing the outcomes of a day at a theme park: Ω={Sunny, Rainy, Cloudy}\Omega = \{\text{Sunny, Rainy, Cloudy}\}.

  • Basic Set Operations:
    • Let AA be the event that it is Sunny (A={Sunny}A = \{\text{Sunny}\}).
    • Let BB be the event that it is Rainy (B={Rainy}B = \{\text{Rainy}\}).
    • Union: AB={Sunny, Rainy}A \cup B = \{\text{Sunny, Rainy}\} (either Sunny or Rainy).
    • Intersection: AB=A \cap B = \emptyset (it cannot be both Sunny and Rainy).
    • Complement: Ac={Rainy, Cloudy}A^c = \{\text{Rainy, Cloudy}\} (not Sunny).
    • Difference: AB={Sunny}A - B = \{\text{Sunny}\} (Sunny and not Rainy).
  • Properties of Events:
    • Commutative: AB=BAA \cup B = B \cup A and AB=BAA \cap B = B \cap A.
    • Associative: (AB)C=A(BC)(A \cup B) \cup C = A \cup (B \cup C) for any event CC.
    • Distributive: A(BC)=(AB)(AC)A \cap (B \cup C) = (A \cap B) \cup (A \cap C) for any event CC.
    • De Morgan's: (AB)c=AcBc(A \cup B)^c = A^c \cap B^c and (AB)c=AcBc(A \cap B)^c = A^c \cup B^c.
  • Special Types of Events:
    • Mutually Exclusive: If A={Sunny}A = \{\text{Sunny}\} and B={Rainy}B = \{\text{Rainy}\}, then AB=A \cap B = \emptyset.
    • Exhaustive: Events A={Sunny}A = \{\text{Sunny}\}, B={Rainy}B = \{\text{Rainy}\}, and C={Cloudy}C = \{\text{Cloudy}\} are exhaustive because ABC={Sunny, Rainy, Cloudy}=ΩA \cup B \cup C = \{\text{Sunny, Rainy, Cloudy}\} = \Omega.
  • Sigma-Algebra:
    • Consider F={,{Sunny},{Rainy, Cloudy},Ω}\mathcal{F} = \{\emptyset, \{\text{Sunny}\}, \{\text{Rainy, Cloudy}\}, \Omega\}. This collection is a σ-algebra because it includes Ω\Omega, is closed under complement, and is closed under countable unions.