B-Tree Data Structure

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B-Tree Introduction

A B-Tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data and allows for efficient insertion, deletion, and search operations. It is particularly well-suited for systems that read and write large blocks of data, such as databases and file systems. B-Trees are a generalization of binary search trees in that a node can have more than two children.

Consider a B-Tree of order 3.

   /     \
[10,20] [40,50,60]

In this B-Tree:

→ The root node contains one key: 30.
→ The root has two children: the left child contains keys 10 and 20, and the right child contains keys 40, 50, and 60.

Order of a B-Tree

The order of a B-Tree, denoted as mm, is a crucial property that defines the maximum number of children a node can have. It determines the capacity of nodes and the structure of the tree. Specifically:

→ Each node can contain at most m1m-1 keys.
→ Each node (except for the root) must contain at least m21\lceil \frac{m}{2} \rceil - 1 keys.
→ A node with kk keys will have k+1k+1 children.
→ The root must have at least one key if it is not a leaf node.

In essence, the order of the B-Tree influences how "wide" the tree is, affecting its height and the efficiency of operations.

Consider a B-Tree of order 3. Here's a visual representation:

    /     \
[10,20]  [40,50,60]

In this B-Tree:

→ The root node contains one key: 30.
→ The root has two children: the left child contains keys 10 and 20, and the right child contains keys 40, 50, and 60.

Structure of a B-Tree

A B-Tree of order mm (also referred to as a B-Tree of degree mm) is defined by the following properties:

Node Structure:

→ Each node contains a certain number of keys.
→ The number of keys in a node must be at least m21\lceil \frac{m}{2} \rceil - 1 and at most m1m - 1.
→ Each node has at most mm children.

Root Properties:

→ The root node must have at least one key if it is not a leaf node.

Internal Node Properties:

→ Each internal node has exactly one more child than the number of keys.
→ The keys in each node are in sorted order.
→ All leaves have the same depth (the tree is balanced).

Leaf Properties:

→ Leaves do not carry children and serve as endpoints of the tree.

Search in B-Tree

Searching in a B-Tree is similar to searching in a binary search tree but involves more comparisons per node due to the larger number of keys. The search operation proceeds as follows:

→ Start from the root and recursively traverse down the tree.
→ At each node, perform a binary search to find the range in which the search key falls.
→ Move to the corresponding child pointer.
→ Repeat until the key is found or a leaf node is reached.

Consider the following 3-level B-Tree of order 3:

        /     \
       /       \
  [20,30]        [60,70]
  /   |  \      /    \
[10] [25] [35] [55]  [71,75]

Let's search for the key 75 in this B-Tree:

→ Start at the root: [50].
→ Since 75 > 50, move to the right child: [60,70].
→ Perform a binary search in [60,70]. Since 75 > 70, move to the right child: [71,75].
→ Perform a binary search in [71,75].
→ Find 75 in the node [71,75].

Therefore, the key 75 is found in the B-Tree.

Insertion in B-Tree

Inserting a new key into a B-Tree involves the following steps:

  1. Locate the Leaf: Traverse the tree to find the appropriate leaf node where the new key should be inserted.
  2. Insert the Key: If the leaf node has fewer than m1m-1 keys (where m is the order of the B-Tree), insert the new key in the correct sorted position.
  3. Split the Node: If the leaf node already contains m1m-1 keys, split the node:
    • Choose the median key as the split point.
    • Move the median key up to the parent node.
    • Create a new node to the right of the original node.
    • Move keys greater than the median to the new node.
  4. Propagate Changes: If the parent node becomes full due to the insertion of the median key, recursively split the parent and continue this process up the tree if necessary.
  5. Adjust Root: If the split propagates to the root, create a new root node, increasing the tree's height.

Here's an example illustrating insertion into a B-Tree of order 3 (each node can have 2 to 4 keys):

1. Initial state (inserting 70):

     /    \
  [10,20] [40,50,60]

2. Insert 70, causing node overflow:

     /    \
  [10,20] [40,50,60,70] (overflow)

3. Split the overflowing node:

     /   |    \
  [10,20] [40] [60,70]

Note: In a B-Tree of order m, each node (except the root) must contain between m21\lceil \frac{m}{2} \rceil - 1 and m1m-1 keys. The root can have between 1 and m1m-1 keys.

Deletion in B-Tree

Deleting from a B-Tree is more complex and involves several cases:

Locate the Key: Perform a search to find the key to be deleted.
Leaf Node Deletion: If the key is in a leaf node, remove it directly.
Internal Node Deletion: If the key is in an internal node, replace it with the predecessor or successor key from the subtree.
Merge or Borrow: If removing the key causes a node to have fewer than the minimum number of keys:

Borrow from Sibling: If an adjacent sibling has more than the minimum number of keys, borrow a key.
Merge Nodes: If both siblings have the minimum number of keys, merge the node with a sibling, and adjust the parent accordingly.

Consider the following B-Tree of order 3 (each node can have 2 to 4 keys):

        /    \
     [10,20] [40,50,60]
      /   |   \    |    \
   [5] [15] [25] [35] [45,55]

Let's delete the key 20 from this B-Tree:

→ Start at the root: [30].
→ Traverse to the appropriate leaf node [10,20].
→ Remove 20 from the leaf node.
→ Adjust the B-Tree to maintain balance, possibly borrowing from siblings or merging nodes if necessary.

Complexity Analysis

B-Trees are optimized for systems that read and write large blocks of data. The height of a B-Tree is O(logmn)O(\log_m n), where nn is the number of keys and mm is the order of the B-Tree. This guarantees that operations like search, insertion, and deletion can be performed in logarithmic time relative to the number of keys.

Applications of B-Trees

Databases: B-Trees are widely used in databases and database indexes to allow efficient querying and data management.
File Systems: File systems use B-Trees to manage directories and file metadata.
Multilevel Indexing: B-Trees are used in multilevel indexing to manage large amounts of data with efficient access patterns.

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